Well, to start off...i just made this page last night so
right now its basically me just talking to myself :3 but i dont care if not a
lot of people read these. I just hope this helps at least one person. One reason
i give advise: My dads ex- girlfriend always used to scream at me and my ex-step
sister so, i do know what it's like to have a "parent" not appreciate you, for
all with that problem, you are not alone. In the middle-end of my dad and his
ex-girlfriends relationship he wasnt quite himself. He got agitated easily and
so me and my ex- step sister really kept to ourselves, not wanting to get into
it with my dad, because he was scary when he was angry. Once things started
gettting worse with my ex-stepmom i hid in my room when i got home from school
until it was time to eat dinner. When your confined in one room, you really
begin to think. I couldnt see anything but her screaming and yelling in my head,
calling me names and such. Finally it all built up and i cut for the first time.
Some who read tis may be shocked, but yes it happened, for about a year and a
half actually. I rather not go into details on why i continued, its something
some may not understand, or dont. And we will leave it at that. One specific
fight i will never for get is when i put on a pair of jeans and i said "wow,
these fit a lot better." to which my ex-step mom replied, "how? they didnt get
any bigger, you dont look like youve lost weight." i thought i was about to kill
her to be 100% honest. She called me fat again the same day, and it hurt a lot
because when i was younger i struggled with that. so now i can faintly she the
end of a "T" and the two lines sticking out on the "F" on my stomach. Their
breakup was a huge relief. She cheated, he found out we moved out. Simple as
that. And finally, his death. My father recently passed 8-28-12. A motorcycle
accident at 2am, he wasnt wearing a helmet, because you know New Hampshire's
moto... "Live free or die." Im pretty sure their was no "or" for my
dad.And i just wanted to say fuck you to my ex-step mom for making my life a
hell and id like to say fuck you to whomever came up with the idea that you
didnt have to wear your helmet in New Hampshire.Well, that's all for now. But i
wanted to say thank you for all your support and love. Thanks everyone whos
involved in my life right now<3



    im Kam, and i love to write. i also love giving advise

